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In the instant retail market of drinks,can Meituan win?
來源  2024-05-16 16:09 作者:

Wine comes before the dish!

This is undoubtedly the highest praise for instant beverage retail

As long as it's fast, it's enough, okay?

Recently, friends in Hangzhou opened the Meituan APP, may be able to find more on the homepage of the "crooked horse to send wine" service column. In April this year, the United States group sent wine to a month to the two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang cities, based on the development of the past two years, the expansion rate only increased, which is determined to eat a piece of "cake" in the instant retail market of alcohol.

In instant retail, efficiency is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient one. SKU richness, wine quality, consumer re-purchase rate, etc., all affect store profitability to some extent.

In the past two years, Crooked horse wine on average 1.8 days to open a new store. Since 2023, it has gone out of Guangdong Province, successively won Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi 'an, Beijing, Changsha, and opened multiple cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in April this year, and has reached 500+ stores so far. "The order volume in 2022 increased by more than 1500% year on year." "Full-year transaction volume in 2023 is up 600% year on year." It seems that the success of the wine delivery has proved the potential of the instant retail format.

At the end of last year, Anzhongjie, general manager of the wine channel business of Crooked Horse, said in a speech that the entire US group flash purchase has reached 175 billion in the past four quarters, and it is expected that the instant retail scale can reach one trillion in 2026, and the US group flash purchase platform has almost reached 400 billion. At the same time, the United States Group flash purchase also released a forecast that in 2023, the instant retail penetration rate of alcohol will be 1%, nearly 20 billion. By 2027, penetration is expected to reach 6%, with a scale of about 100 billion.

There are traces of the instant retail outbreak, including wine and drink, from "dinner parties need to order wine", to "takeout to buy wine is more convenient", to "can not go out to drink wine", from solving urgent needs to active consumption desire, in the final analysis, in line with the people's growing demand for a better life. The latest "2023 Instant Retail Alcohol White Paper" shows that from 2020 to 2022, in the instant retail market size, beer will grow by 83%, foreign wine by 628%, and liquor by 554%.

The reason why crooked horse can become a dark horse, in the word "that" up and down. Meituan takeout and small elephant self-run supermarket are self-requirements of "the fastest 30 minutes", while crooked horse sends wine more seriously, Shouting the slogan of "the average 15 minutes to reach the slow must pay". Cooperate with brands and dealers to unify the self-run supply chain, and it is understood that the current pre-stock SKU can reach about 800. It is equipped with pre-warehouse mode in each city, and self-distribution is arranged nearby. In April this year, the advance warehouse of Crooked horse wine delivery has just been laid out in Hangzhou, and you can see the recruitment of part-time clerks on many social platforms, and you can take delivery fees and commissions of famous wines at the same time.

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